Preparing for Your Colonoscopy Procedure

A colonoscopy procedure, along with the preparation involved, can all seem daunting to contemplate. But don't lose sight of why you're doing this, for your health. Colorectal cancers rank among the very top of cancer-related deaths in the United States, and a colonoscopy procedure is your best bet when it comes to early detection and treatment. If you would like more information please contact your doctor, Dr. Daniel Alpert in New York, NY.

The Procedure

A colonoscopy procedure is performed using a device called a colonoscope. It uses a very small camera to thoroughly examine your lower intestine. The goal is to detect and remove cancer at the earliest possible stage, while it's still treatable, and before it has a chance to spread.

The doctor will search for polyps, abnormal suspect tissue, along your gastrointestinal tract, and to accomplish this a successful prep is required.

The following is a general guide, but if you were undergoing the procedure your doctor would issue you a list of instructions personalized to you. It's such an important step to the procedure that you should call your New York gastroenterologist if you have any questions.

Preparation Before the Procedure

A few days before your procedure you should already be making dietary considerations. Primarily, you'll want to avoid foods that are difficult to digest. Instead, opt for a low fiber diet. A few suggestions are eggs, lean meats, white bread, pasta, rice, and if you're going to have fruits and vegetables they should be without the skin or seeds, and preferably well cooked.

As you get closer to the date, about two days before, you should consume only soft foods. Such as soups, smoothies, and scrambled eggs, to name a few. On the day before your diet should consist only of clear liquids, avoid solid foods.

Clear liquids don't imply simply water, you can complement it with clear broth, Jell-O, coffee, or tea but without creamer, clear juice, and sports drinks. But stay away from drinks or foods with red, blue, or purple dye. Your New York gastroenterologist will give you more detailed instructions.

Colonoscopy Treatment in New York, NY

If you are over 50 it is recommended that you schedule a colonoscopy procedure every ten years, more often if you're at great risk. Begin the conversation today by calling Dr. Daniel Alpert in New York, NY, at (212) 599-7910.

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New York, NY Gastroenterologist
Daniel J. Alpert, M.D.

345 E. 37th St., Suite 304
New York, NY 10016

(212) 599-7910 Phone
(212) 599-8061 Fax

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