How a Gastroenterologist Can Help You With Your Stomach Pain

Most individuals feel some kind of pain or discomfort in their abdomen from time to time. The most common type of abdominal pain is a bellyache or stomachache, which will happen to everyone at some time in their lives. In most of these cases, stomach pain can be alleviated with at-home care.

However, if you’re experiencing severe stomach pain that comes with other worrying symptoms, it’s best to consult with Dr. Daniel Alpert, your New York, NY, gastroenterologist, here at Daniel J. Alpert, M.D.

What Exactly is Stomach Pain?

Stomach pain is typically felt in the portion of the trunk just under the ribs and above your groin and pelvis. The intensity could range from a mild, annoying ache to extremely severe and disabling pain that people can’t help but clutch their belly, double over, and/or feel dizzy or nauseated.

Although you can’t really feel the actual workings of your stomach, the pain usually manifests when the normal functioning of tissues and organs found inside the abdomen, including your small intestine, stomach, liver, colon, pancreas, spleen, and gallbladder, is disrupted. But while stomach pain is not normal, it’s also not necessarily a serious issue, and usually goes away without medical treatment.

Treating Stomach Pain with Help From Your Gastroenterologist

As with most health problems, the treatment options for stomach pain will depend on what’s causing it. Treatments could range from lifestyle and behavior modifications to medications that combat inflammation. However, if your gastroenterologist in New York, NY, suspects a hernia, appendicitis, or other serious condition, diagnostic tests will be needed to confirm or rule out a diagnosis. Surgery may likewise be required. Common stomach pain treatments include:

  • OTC pain medications
  • Prescription anti-inflammatory medicines and/or medications for general pain, ulcers, or GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease)
  • Low-dose anti-depressants
  • Antibiotic therapy for infections
  • Behavioral modifications such as eliminating specific drinks, beverages, or habits, like smoking and drinking alcohol, that contributes to stomach pain
  • Surgical intervention to get rid of infected organs, hernia, or obstructions

Eating healthy, exercising, and refraining from excessive alcohol consumption and smoking can likewise help minimize the chances of you experiencing certain stomach pains. Additionally, good hygiene, particularly hand-washing to avoid foods and materials that may be contaminated by bacteria or viruses, will aid in lowering your risk of developing conditions due to infectious causes.

Need Relief From Stomach Pain? Reach Out to Us

Schedule an appointment with your gastroenterologist in New York, NY, Dr. Daniel Alpert of Daniel J. Alpert, M.D. by dialing (212) 599-7910.

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New York, NY Gastroenterologist
Daniel J. Alpert, M.D.

345 E. 37th St., Suite 304
New York, NY 10016

(212) 599-7910 Phone
(212) 599-8061 Fax

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